2024 Green Infrastructure Coalition Meetings
- Statewide Meeting: February 15, 10:00am-Noon, at Save the Bay. Registration required due to space constraints. Registration link coming soon.
- Providence GIC: 2024: January 11, March 14, May 9, July 11, September 12, November 14, all 2-3pm on Zoom: (Zoom Link Meeting ID: 986 0816 1299)
- SIC: See the Stormwater Innovation Center website
The Coalition on Facebook
2024 Stormwater Innovation Expo
October 16, 2024 - 8:30AM-3:00PM
Roger Williams Park Casino
1000 Elmwood Avenue Providence, RI 02907
RI Green Infrastructure Coalition
The Green Infrastructure Coalition (GIC) includes not-for-profit organizations, architects, designers, builders, city planners and state and local policymakers as partners, who work together to promote nature based solutions for cleaning runoff pollution. Nature based solutions create pathways for rainwater, melting snow, and other run-off to avoid pavement and infiltrate into the earth.
The GIC leadership represents a wide range of Rhode Island environmental organizations, including Jed Thorpe of Clean Water Action, Topher Hamblett of Save the Bay, Angela Tuoni of The Nature Conservancy, Sara Churgin of the Eastern RI Conservation District, and Phoenix Wheeler of the Audubon Society of Rhode Island. Their role is to guide the coalition, seek funding for projects and provide long term strategic objectives.
Our free membership is open to any Rhode Island organization, pubic, private or governmental, that supports our work and encourages the use of green infrastructure. You can see a list of our members here and you can become a member by contacting Sara Churgin at schurgin.ericd@gmail.com. To join our mailing list please email info@greeninfrastructureri.org.
The Green Infrastructure Coalition is committed to nature based solutions for cleaning runoff pollution.
- Creating projects
- Leveraging policy in state and municipal governments
- Educating others about the movement of rain, snow, and resulting stormwater through the urban and suburban environment
Thank you to our funders:
- Rhode Island Foundation
- van Beuren Charitable Trust
- Prospect Hill Foundation
- Environmental Protection Agency

2023 Stormwater Innovation Expo
October 18, 2023
Roger Williams Park Casino
1000 Elmwood Avenue Providence, RI 02907
Join the Rhode Island Green Infrastructure Coalition, the Providence Stormwater Innovation Center, and the Providence Parks Department for the Fifth Annual Stormwater Innovation Expo. This is a great opportunity to discover new and innovative products and services being used in the construction and maintenance of green stormwater infrastructure across Rhode Island and the industry. General admission tickets include lunch and a light breakfast. Sponsorships and exhibition opportunities are available, contact gerritt@mindspring.com for information.