Coalition partners also hope that these trees and plants offer other benefits to neighborhood residents, such as beauty, shade, and reduced stress, especially for kids walking to and from school along Dexter Street.
This project was funded by the Rhode Island Department of Health Climate Change Program, Brown University Swearer Center, and the City of Providence Health Equity Zone initiative. Partners also included: Groundwork Rhode Island, Clean Water Action, West Elmwood Housing Development Corporation, the City of Providence Department of Public Works and Department of Parks and Recreation Forestry Division, and the Steel Yard.
Groundwork Rhode Island (GWRI) will be maintaining the trees and plants over the first year after planting, and will be working with community partners to continue this maintenance over the long-term. GWRI job training participants and paid GroundCorp landscaping crew performed the installation, ongoing maintenance, and will continue additional installation this fall.
If you have any questions about the project, please contact or (401) 305-7174.